Dr. R. SENTHILKUMAR M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.Phil., DGT., PGDCA., Ph.D in Commerce


Dr. R. SENTHILKUMAR,. M.Com., M.Phil., M.B.A., M.Phil., DGT., PGDCA., Ph.D in Commerce

Head of the Department


Dr. R. SENTHILKUMAR, HOD., of COMMERCE (BANK MANAGEMENT) did his B.B.A., DGT., M.Com., M.Phil., in Commerce, M.Phil., Management Studied from affiliation university of Madurai Kamaraj University, Palkalai Nagar, Madurai. M.B.A., from Alagappa University, Karaikudi. B.Com., from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, P.G.D.C.A., and Ph.D., in Commerce has studied from affiliation university of Bharathidasan University, Palkalaiperur, Tiruchirappalli. He has attended and presented twenty five research papers at State Level and National Level Seminars and Conferences.

He has published Fifty Four research papers Published in UGC CARE / Scopus / Web of Science and more than Twenty years Teaching Experience at UG. and PG. Level. He has the Reviewer of Internationally Indexed online open access Research Journal of “International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research” (ISSN: 2349-5162). This Journal approved by UGC. and Thomson Reuters Journal.

He has Recognized Guide for M.Phil., and Ph. D., in Commerce Degree from Bharathidasan University, PalkalaiPerur, Tiruchirappalli-24.




Bharathidasan University Reference Number


M.Phil., in Commerce

Ref. No.: 10019/M.Phil./RA/Commerce/2017/Date: 16-03-2017


Ph. D., in Commerce

Ref. No. 02010/Ph.D. K6/RA/Commerce/22-11-2019