Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell


The Anti-Sexual Harassment Cell (ASHC) at Ganesar College of Arts and Science is a dedicated body aimed at preventing, addressing, and resolving issues related to sexual harassment within the college community. It plays a crucial role in creating a safe and respectful environment for all individuals, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, or any other characteristic.


Prevention: Implement measures to prevent instances of sexual harassment through awareness campaigns, training programs, and policy dissemination tailored to Ganesar College’s unique environment.
Education and Awareness: Conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions specifically in College to educate them about sexual harassment, and its impact,  to prevent it.
Policy Development and Implementation: Develop, review, and enforce robust anti-sexual harassment policies tailored to Ganesar College’s needs and values in accordance with legal requirements.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of anti-sexual harassment measures at Ganesar College, gather feedback, and make necessary improvements to ensure a safe environment.


Policy Implementation:

Ensure effective implementation of the college’s anti-sexual harassment policy by disseminating information, conducting training sessions, and monitoring compliance specifically within Ganesar College.

Awareness Programs

Organize workshops, seminars, and campaigns tailored to Ganesar College’s community to raise awareness about sexual harassment, its impact, and ways to prevent it. Engage students and staff in discussions to foster a culture of respect and dignity within the college.

Support Services

Provide support services to victims/survivors of sexual harassment within the Ganesar College community, including counseling, legal guidance, and referrals to external agencies if necessary.

Policy Review and Improvement: Regularly review and update the anti-sexual harassment policy at Ganesar College to ensure alignment with legal requirements, organizational values, and best practices. Incorporate feedback from Ganesar College stakeholders to make necessary improvements.

Official MailId to Register Complains




Phone No

Mail ID



Assistant Professor of English & Coordinator



Mrs. V.Maheshwari

Assistant Professor & Member




Assistant Professor & Member



Mrs.V. Amudha

Non-Teaching Staff & Member


Students Representatives


Nominees from Second Year UG and PG

Student Representatives UG and PG & Member


Nominees from Research Centre

One Scholar and ere very Guide & Member


Minority cell has been running every year for the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the  college. “Every student has a right of education” by following the fact our students is very much keen to provide services to the educational and cultural needs of the minority community along with other caste, creed and Nationality. The Minority cell basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim, Jain, Buddhists etc. for their education development.

Role and Responsibility of Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee

  • To Ensure Policy Development: Develop and implement comprehensive anti-sexual harassment policies consistent with legal standards and college values.
  • To Take Charge of Awareness and Training: Conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions to educate all members of the college community about sexual harassment prevention, recognition, and reporting procedures.
  • To Ensure Confidential Complaint Handling: Provide a confidential platform for reporting incidents of sexual harassment, conduct impartial investigations, and ensure the confidentiality of all parties involved.
  • To Offer Support Services: Provide support services to victims/survivors, including counseling, legal guidance, and access to health care, ensuring the receive necessary assistance throughout the reporting and resolution process.
  • To Monitor and Evaluate Effectiveness: Regularly monitor the effectiveness of anti-sexual harassment measures, gather feedback, and make necessary improvements to enhance the college's response to sexual harassment.
  • To Maintain Documentation: Maintain accurate records of complaints, investigations, and actions taken to ensure transparency and track the progress of cases.

Power Of the Committee

  1. The Committee is empowered to summon witnesses and request documentsor any relevant information from any employee or student.
  2. If the Committee believes that an employee or student possesses relevant documentsor information, it may direct such individual to produce them. This direction shall be communicated through a written notice, summons, or request, specifying the place and time for submission.
  3. In cases where relevant documentsor and information are stored electronically yoyo ther means, the Committee has the authority to demand their production or a clear written reproduction.
  4. Upon receiving the requested documents or information, the Committee is authorized to:
    1. Make copies or extracts as necessary.
    2. Retain the documents or information for the duration of the proceedings as deemed appropriate.
  5. The Committee has the power to issue in terimdirectives to any party involved in the proceedings.
  6. The Committee is vested with the authority to recommend appropriate action against individuals found guilty of:
    1. Sexual harassment against the complainant.
    2. Retaliation or victimization against the complainant any other person involved in the proceedings.
    3. Making false accusations of sexual harassment against the accused individual.