Admission Procedure



1. The procedure given in this communication is applicable to all the Government / Government Aided / Self Financing Arts and Science Colleges in Tamil Nadu. These are to be observed both in letter and spirit. Where otherwise stated these procedure for admission to UG/PG courses are common for both.
2. The fee structure for various courses should be exhibited transparently in the prospectus and to be uploaded in
3. The Principal of the college and the admission committee will be responsible for any violations in this regard.
4. Admission Committee is to be broadened to include senior teaching faculty, number to be specified as either 3 or 4.
5. Implementation of Rules of Reservation should be followed strictly for each course separately.
6. Admissions for aided course are to be conducted before admissions for each self financing courses.
7.    a) The applications must be made only in online mode.
       b) The choices of colleges and courses, should be opted by the candidates at the time of Registration.
     c) Filled in application should contain at least one contact number through which all communication should be sent.
8. Documents to be scanned and uploaded as per instructions in the web portal:
     a) Qualifying Examination Mark Sheet / Provisional Mark sheet.
     b) Community Certificate (wherever applicable)
  c) Certificate of proof when admission is sought under Differently Abled / Sports Quota / NCC/ Ex-Servicemen etc.
   d) Transfer Certificate
   e) Eligibility Certificate for students from other States/ Boards  /  Universities.
   f)  As per Government letter No. 4527/G1/2003, dated 17.10.2003, admission may be     accorded purely on merit basis on production of Identity Card issued by the concerned HQ Tahsildars in respect of students seeking admission from Sri Lankan Tamil      refugee camp and those who were not enrolled in refugee camps may be admitted on      production of VISA and Passport on merit basis.
Original Certificates are to be produced at the time of admission only. However, it a candidate fails to produce the relevant certificates in original, at the time of admission, the admission shall be cancelled at any point of time.
9. The online application fee is Rs.48/- and Registration fee is Rs.2/- for every 5 colleges applied. There is no application fee for SC / ST candidates but Registration fee of Rs.2/- is to be paid for every block of five colleges.
10. The Registration of application for Government Arts and Science Colleges will commence on 08.5.2023 and closed on 19.05.2023
11. Age limit:    
The upper age limit for admission to UG courses will be 21 (twenty one) years as on 1st July 2023. However, a relaxation of 5 years is permitted for differently abled candidates as per G.O.(Ms). No.239, S.W. dated 3-9-93. SC/SCA/ST/BCM/MBC/DNC and women candidates may be allowed the age relaxation of 3 years beyond 21 years for the admission into UG Courses.
The above age limit should be strictly followed and no student should be admitted above  the age limit and no age relaxation will be granted by Government. If the Colleges fail to adhere to the above instructions, severe action will be taken against the concerned college.
12. Admission Committee for UG and PG courses: 
The Admission Committee is common for both UG and PG  Courses and it should include the following members apart from Principal.
     (i) Two Senior most staff members.
    (ii) A Senior most co-opted staff member belonging to SC/ST, one for UG and one for PG.
13. Documents to be maintained
The following Registers and other related documents pertaining to students’ admission should be maintained and preserved by the colleges:
   a) List of Applications received within the last date prescribed
   b) Rank list should be signed by the members of the Selection Committee.
   c) Rank list have to be displayed in the College Website.
   d) Misutes of Selection Committee meeting.
   e) Admission Register
   f) Communication with the University/Director of Collegiate Education related to admission
  g) Copies of all letters to the University / Director of  Collegiate Education making requisition for increase in seats and letters from the university permitting increase.
 h) The colleges shall maintain registers regarding the applications received from SC/SCA/ST/MBC/DNC/BC/BCM  students who have been selected for admission and the number of such candidates admitted in each course.
14.   Rule of Reservation
The admission shall be made purely on the basis of Merit subject to the rule of reservation of the Government of Tamil Nadu.
   1) 31% for Open Competition (OC)
   2) 26.5% for Backward Classes (BC) other than BC Muslims and 3.5%for Backward Classes Muslims.
   3) 20% for Most Backward classes (MBC) and Denotified Communities (DNC)
   4) 15% for Scheduled Castes (SC) and 3% for SCA.
  5) 1% for Scheduled Tribes (ST).
The Rule of Reservation will apply to:
   a) 100% of seats in Government Colleges.
   b) 50% of seats in the case of Aided minority colleges.
   c) 90% of seats in the cases of Aided Non minority colleges.
   d) 50% of seats in the Self-financing courses offered by the Aided Colleges.
   e) 50% of seats in the cases of Self-financing Colleges
   f) In respect of both Aided Courses and Unaided Courses in Minority Colleges, 50% of seats shall be filled by students belonging to minority concerned and the balance 50% of the seats shall be filled by following the rule of reservation.
However, wherever number of applications from minority communities is less than 50% of total seats, the remaining minority quota shall be filled up following the rule of reservation. Tamil Nadu native candidate alone will be considered for communal reservation. Other State candidates will be considered under “Open Competition”.
15. Muslim girls should not be denied admission into Colleges in their neighborhoods on the ground that they should seek admission only in their own minority institutions as per Government Letter No.231/G198-5, dated: 5-12-2000.
16. Preparation of Rank – List for UG Courses:
For admission to Under  Graduate courses (UG) a candidate must have passed the Higher Secondary Examinations of  Tamil Nadu or an examination (like the CBSE) recognized by the Universities as equivalent thereto. Admission should be made based on the +2 marks only. 
  The Rank – list will be out of 400 marks comprising a subject – component of 400 and admission to Government / Government Aided / Self Financing Colleges order of merit / rank list against the priority of choices recorded by applicants.
(a) Rank list should be prepared based on the marks obtained by the students in the subject component out of total 400 marks under Part III in Higher Secondary examination held in the current Academic Year. Eligibility of students for admission to UG Courses in the colleges shall be as per the eligibility norms and guidelines of the Universities concerned.
Apportionment of seats for each course with different streams (80% Academic / 20% Vocational) and also Apportionment of seats among students who have studied different subjects in the Higher Secondary (+2) shall be made as per the existing norms. For the students passed Higher Secondary (+2) prior to 2018 – 19 the marks can be converted to current stream. i.e to 400, instead of 800.
17. All eligible applications should be ranked strictly according to the decreasing order of total marks. In Case, more than one candidate secures the same marks, such candidates shall be ranked as follows:
    a) The candidates who have passed the examination in the first attempt.
   b) If both the candidates have passed in the first attempt ranking should be done by the registration number.
18. As far as Arts subjects i.e. English/ Tamil / Telugu and other languages are concerned, the order of preference shall be as follows:
   i) Candidates who have applied for the language and studied that language at the plus two level under Part       III, the ranking shall be based on marks in that language.
   ii)  After exhausting all applications under category (i) applications of other candidates may be ranked on the basis of the marks secured in Part I and Part II as the case may be.
19. Admission is subject to verification of marks certificate by the Director of Government Examinations competent authority. If the mark certificate is found to be bogus, admission will be cancelled and criminal action will also be taken.
20. The selection of candidates for admission into the various courses and medium of instructions shall be made from out of the rank list strictly according to the Government rules of reservation.
21. For Government / Government Aided / Self Financing Colleges, intimations of provisional selection should be sent to the candidates through electronic media by mail /  SMS.
The provisional selection list in respect of Govt. Colleges should be displayed in the web portal and in respect of  Government / Aided /Self Financing Colleges the provisional selection list is to be displayed in  the respective college websites.
22. The Principal on the basis of the selection made by the Selection Committee, shall make the admissions. The selection committee is responsible for the entire admission. Hence, they should follow the admission norms scrupulously.
However, the overall responsibility will rest with the Principal only.
In Government / Government Aided / Self Financing Colleges where degree courses are taught through English and Tamil Medium, if seats in one medium are filled up, candidates may be considered for the other medium provided all the candidates who have applied for the particular medium have been considered for admission.
23. For Supplementary candidates, eligible for admission, separate notification will be put up in the web portal or by the respective Government Colleges.
24. Procedure for selection / admission under Open Competition Quota:
i. Only online applications alone will be considered for admission.
ii. Candidates are selected / admitted under Open Competition Quota on the basis of merit from the Rank –
List irrespective of the community to which a candidate belongs. If any seat falls vacant in the open quota, after making admission of candidates, such vacancies in open competition should always be filled by merit only from the Rank – list irrespective of community and irrespective of the fact that some of them have already been selected / admitted under BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST Quota.
The procedure implies that BC/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST candidates already admitted should not be left out of consideration for filling up the vacancies in the open competition, if they are eligible to be selected under Open Competition according to merit.
   iii. BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST candidates selected under the open quota as per merit from the Rank – List are not to be taken into account against the reserved quota.
   iv. The foreign students who are willing to pursue arts and science courses shall be admitted under the open quota only, subject to eligibility norms of the concerned university / Board.
v. Merit list should be updated on dynamic basis.
25. Procedure for selection / admission under reserved quota for BC/BCM/MBC /DNC/ SC/ SCA /ST
After filling up the vacancies in the open competition quota as aforesaid, the vacancies   
BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST quota must be filled by candidates from the respective communities only according to merit from the Rank List.
26. Procedure for Differently Abled quota:
a) Out of the quota of 19% (15% SC, 3%SCA and 1% ST) reserved for SC/ST 5 out of every 100 seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled persons belonging to SC and ST.
b) Out of the quota for 50% (26.5%BC, 3.5%for BCM and 20% MBC) reserved for Backward Classes, Most Backward Classes and Denotified Communities, 5 out of every 100 vacancies / seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled persons belongs to BC, MBC and DNC.
c) Out of the quota of 31% intended for open competition 5 out of every 100 seats shall be reserved for Differently Abled in general. 
27.   Quota for Ex-servicemen / Tamil students of Andaman and Nicobar:
a) Six seats in Under Graduate courses  shall be reserved for the children of Ex-servicemen of Tamil Nadu Origin. (G.O.Ms.No.281, Hr. Edn.(D1), dated 26-6-98)
b) 1) Two seats in P.G. courses shall be reserved for the children of Ex-servicemen of Tamil Nadu origin if the college has two of less P.G. courses.
2) Three seats in P.G. courses shall be reserved for the children of Ex-servicemen if the colleges has more than two P.G. courses (G.O.Ms.No.230,  Higher Education (G1) Department, dated 23-7-2001)
c) Two seats shall be reserved in Under Graduate courses in Tamil Medium in each college for the benefit of Tamil students of the Union Territory of Andaman and Nicobar.
d) 3 seats in UG and 2 seats in PG shall be reserved for eligible children / widow’s of personnel belonging to Security forces.
28.   Quota for outstanding sports / NCC persons:
a) 3% of seats in UG courses and 2% of seats in PG courses as per Government Order must be reserved under Sports Quota for students who have reserved under Sports Quota for students who have represented at the District Level / Divisional Level and above. Relevant certificates should be produced.
b) One seat in UG Courses for “A” certificate holders and 1 seat in PG courses reserved for NCC cadet of outstanding merit with “C” certificate holders. (G.O.354, Higher Education (D1) dept, dated 8.7.1997)
29. The Selection list shall clearly reveal particulars of candidates selected under each category – OC/BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST/Differently abled / Sports Quota / Ex-servicemen, NCC / etc.
30. Every selection list must contain the following details:
1. Number of seats sanctioned for the course
2. Number of seats already filled up
3. Number of students selected in the list with rank marks
4. Number of seats still vacant
5. Particulars of candidates selected under each category – OC/BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST/Differently abled / Sports Quota / Ex-servicemen, NCC / etc.
31. If  there are any vacancies in any quota, after the First phase of admission, further Second, third, Fourth etc. phases shall be conducted by adopting the above said procedures. The vacancies in the open quota must first be filled on the basis of merit; vacancies against BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST quota  should be filled with OC/BC/BCM/MBC/DNC/SC/SCA/ST candidates respectively in the order of merit.
All vacancies shall be filled up by this procedure only.
If the vacancies still exist in any UG, Course after considering the order of preference indicated for each subject, any student who has passed +2 Examination is eligible to 
undergo the relevant U.G. Course, provided the eligibility norm is satisfied.
32. The unfilled SC/ST vacancies can be filled by MBC/DNC candidates. Unfilled MBC / DNC seats can be filled by other communities. Unfilled Muslim BC vacancies can be filled by other BC. The Unfilled ST vacancies shall be filled up by SC and if there is no SC they shall be filled up from DNC / MBC.
33. The Principals of Government Colleges are instructed to send their request for increase in seats, if required to the Universities concerned through the Director of Collegiate Education and the Principals of other colleges through the management of the college.  THE GUIDELINES FOR ADMISSION ISSUED BY GOVERNMENT WILL ALSO APPLY FOR THE ADDITIONAL INCREASED SEATS IN ALL COLLEGES.
34. Procedure for admission to PG courses:
a) Application Fee for PG course is fixed at Rs.58/- (Rupees Fifty Eight only) + Rs.2/- (Rupees Two only) as Registration fee for every 5 colleges applied. For SC / ST candidates, there is no Application fee but registration fee of Rs.2/- is to be paid for every block of five colleges.
b) For admission to postgraduate courses (PG) a candidate must have passed the 3 years degree courses (under the 10+2+3 Pattern) recognized by the University as equivalent thereto.
c) In the case to admission to PG course in all Colleges including Autonomous,  Aided and Self Financing Colleges, the date of registration for admission will be notified separately.
d) For admission to all PG courses other than MBA and MCA, the qualifying examination marks will be intimated separately.
e) For MBA/MCA admission, AICTE / Anna University norms will have to be followed, subject to modification by the AICTE / Anna University.
f) For admission to MSW course any degree holder is eligible.